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We Can Make Our Plans

Updated: Jun 25

Leah K - “We spend so much of our time designing our future and focusing on fulfilling the ideas that we have for ourselves. But what happens when our plans for ourselves don’t align with God’s plans for us? I know we’ve all experienced a plan that we had been looking towards completely fall through. But what if that’s for a reason larger than you know?”

Proverbs 19:21 – “You can make many plans, but the Lord ’s purpose will prevail.”

The Bible directly tells us that no matter what our plans our, the Lord’s plan is what will happen. This Scripture is so important because it is stating a fact: God’s plan triumphs over ours, and our life will follow the path that He has created. In other words, people create many plans for themselves throughout their life. However, these plans will only come to fruition if it is the Lord’s will and if it is part of His plan for you.

Often my kids have asked me what the plan for tomorrow or for this week is. I used to plan things all the time and sometimes when they didn’t happen, and I hated seeing the disappointment on my kids’ faces.

So now if I’m planning something I don’t let them know what the plan is unless it is a for sure thing, no matter what thing or I don’t plan anything at all. Most days I let the days come as they will and kind of go with the flow on what’s going to happen that day. I find it to be less stressful on all of us if we just see where the day takes us. I want to make sure that my plans don’t get in the way of what the Lord has for us each day.

Proverbs 16:9 – “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

Jesus disciples did not plan on leaving their lively hood and their families, they knew their role and what they needed to do to provide for their families. They were regular men trying to live life the best they could. Then Jesus comes along and says follow me… this changed everything. Their lives and their plans were never the same from that point on.

This happens often even today. We are going about our lives and then we get a calling from God to follow Him. Our lives from that point on are never the same. We will live a new life in Christ, and we will go and do as the Lord leads.

Making decisions with God in the lead helps us to make our plans with God in the lead.

Every day decision can change in an instance, and we need to know that God leads a guide us in those. Sure, with our free will we are making decisions for ourselves, but I think that if in our free will we are aligning with God then we are doing as He leads.

Isaiah 25:1 says, “O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have accomplished them.”

God knows all and has a plan and with that I don’t need to worry about what tomorrow holds but only what I need to do for God today.

God, thank you for your provision and guidance.

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