Jeremiah 17:8, which says, “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
This verse speaks to stability, strength, and fruitfulness—three things we all long for. But what does it mean to be like a tree planted by the water in our everyday lives? Let's explore this scripture today.
Let’s start by asking a few questions - Have you ever felt like you’re in a season of drought? What has helped you stay rooted in those tough times?
Now let’s get into what the first part of the verse Jeremiah 17:8 says, “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.” This speaks to being grounded and connected to God, our source of life and strength.
A tree planted by water doesn’t worry about where its nourishment is coming from. It knows the source is constant. In the same way, when we root ourselves in God’s Word, we don’t have to worry about running dry—He provides all we need. When I feel disconnected or maybe in a drought I like to make my way out in nature. There is something about sitting outside that reconnects me to God. In that I can watch the trees blow around and the animals move about without a worry. They just know that they are taken care of.
Maybe today, you feel like you’re running on empty. Remember, God is your stream of living water. Trust that He will provide for your needs, even when you can’t see how.
So, another question is - What’s one way you stay connected to God’s provision in your daily life?
The next part of Jeremiah 17:8 says, “It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.” This part of the verse reminds us that challenges, like the heat of life, will come—but we don’t have to fear them.
Heat represents the struggles, stress, and hard seasons we face. But just like the tree, we can remain 'green'—alive and flourishing—when our roots are deep in God. The key is not to fear the heat, but to trust that God will sustain us through it.
Living in Texas we all know how hot it gets and if we don’t start out hydrated, we can become dehydrated so very quickly. But there are times when we can start out hydrated but then get busy and don’t continue on with drinking water to stay and can then struggle through the work we are doing. Being consistent in our hydration or our daily scripture reading really helps us to continue to do the work that needs to be done.
Are you facing a difficult season right now? Know that, in God, you can remain strong and steady, even when life feels overwhelming. Your leaves can still stay green—God’s strength is enough for whatever you’re going through.
The next section of Jeremiah 17:8 says, “It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Even in times when things seem dry or barren, the tree still produces fruit because of its connection to the stream.
Drought represents those seasons when life feels spiritually or emotionally dry—when prayers seem unanswered, or hope feels far away. But this verse reminds us that when we trust in God, we don’t have to be anxious about those seasons. We can still bear fruit, even in difficult times.
We have all faced seasons of drought or even just crisis. It is when we are staying in the word that we can be reminded that no matter what we are going through with God by our side we will make it through and can even produce fruit. There have been times in my life that I have been amazed by my own outlook and attitude when things seem to be too difficult. It all varies from moment to moment, but it is in the moments that I am remember what God says that I find it easier to walk through the drought or crisis.
If you’re in a 'drought' season, take heart. God is still working in and through you. The fruit may not be visible right now, but His promise is that you will continue to bear fruit as long as you stay rooted in Him.
Today we’ve explored how Jeremiah 17:8 calls us to be like a tree planted by the water, trusting in God’s provision, standing strong in the heat of life, and bearing fruit even in seasons of drought.
I want to leave you with this thought: the tree doesn’t worry because it knows where its strength comes from. And so do we. Let’s keep our roots deep in God, trusting Him for the strength we need today and every day.
I pray today that you stay rooted in God’s Word and trust Him in every season on your life.