I read a story about a torn jacket, and I will tell you all about it in a bit. But for now, let’s start with some scripture.
Hebrews 13:16 says, “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.”
It must be an easy thing to forget to do good, since we are reminded not to forget to in this verse. A practical way to remember to do good is to make it a daily part of our prayers to ask God for specific ways throughout our day to serve and share with others.
Ok so I read a story about a torn jacket and gives us a great example of how small things really help us to serve others daily.….
So, there was a teacher who saw that one of his students had a torn jacket, so he took the jacket home where his daughter sewed up the jacket. After she fixed the jacket, she wrote a note to the student letting him know that if it ever tore again to send it back and she would fix it for him. She also encouraged him through a note that she put in the jacket pockets and let him know that he was going to make it through because the school year would be over before he knew it.
What a fantastic story of helping hands, encouragement and love.
We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus and this simply story about a jacket is a great way to see that we can show love and care to others in so many ways. Doing something and bringing encouragement is such an amazing way to show the love of Jesus to others.
Matthew 5:42 says, “Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.”
This verse leaves little to discern! It’s as simple as it says. If you have it to share, do so with an open heart and an open hand. One way we could do this is by choosing to financially support missionaries or a ministry. But that is not the only way to share what we have. As we have talked about before, small gestures of kindness can make big impacts.
So, whatever God lays on your heart is what you should do.
Wholesome stories like the torn jacket shows us that when we offer to help there are times when people will openly accept it.
I have a hard time asking for help. I just think that I can fix it myself and I don’t want to bother anyone. But this story of the teacher taking the initiative for the student and offering to help tells us that others to see our struggle. They may know us and our process so they don’t ask and sometimes they just may not know how to approach us and ask what we need.
But there are times when others go out of their way to help. We do sometimes openly accept that help because we see that we need it and take a big sigh of relief because now we aren’t gonna have to do things on our own.
God is always with us. We are never walking through anything alone. But when we need more, God will actively be moving and working and sending others to help us.
Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
We may underestimate the power of simply living an honest and faithful life before God. By living an honest and faithful life before God, others may notice and may actually end up seeing the beauty of God through our lives.
Leading hearts to God is at the top of the list for acts of service. What an honor to inspire someone else to love God because of the way that we love him!
The Bible also tells us not to be selfish. In Philippians 2:3-4 it says, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”
If everyone looked out for everyone else’s interests more than their own, no one would be in need. What if we thought every time we went grocery shopping, I think I’m gonna buy some extra canned goods to take and drop off at the local food pantry? This is a small thing, but it makes a big impact for those in need.
There are so many different scenarios in life where we can think of others and relate to their needs. I know for me as I go about my day, I’m probably missing so many opportunities because I am focused on my needs and schedule. I want to be more aware of what God may show me or call me to do but in order to become aware of that I need to be more open to hearing for God in every moment.
So, right now I’m thinking about how to be better at being a helping hand and not focusing too much of why do or don’t do things. I should always be willing to be the helping hand God wants me to be.
I pray that as you go about your day that you will have an open heart to doing whatever it is God may have for you to be a helping hand to others or to take a helping hand from someone.