“Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now.”― A.W. Tozer
To praise when uncertainty is all we see… that is not a natural thing and yet something we should do.
I have had many moments in my life where I didn’t know what was next. There we were just waiting to see what was coming. The uncertainty, the unknown. But we have to keep moving forward. We can’t just stand there and do nothing.
We have all been there and if we turn to the scriptures in Psalm 34:4-7 says, - I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.
God knows. He sees us. When we call out to Him He will guard and lead us.
So, one of those times where there was so much uncertainty was years ago. I had just had our 2nd child and my husband decided to start his construction business. He had already been doing it on the side so we knew He was going to succeed in what He would do.
A few years later after our 3rd child had been born the economy became really bad and so jobs slowed up. We had no income, 3 kids to feed and bills to pay…. But we prayed and asked God to provide. The road was rough, but we never went without what we needed. God heard us and guarded us.
In Psalm 34: 8-9 it says, Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.
Once I gave the fear of that unknown time to the Lord He filled me with peace and joy and I knew that His goodness would overflow and it did.
In the midst of that time and season of the unknown but relying on God, He showed us He was there.
I was outside walking back from my in-laws who live next door, and I looked down and saw some money…. we live in the country, so this is rare. So, I asked my in-laws if it was theirs since it was. I didn’t know where this came from, but we needed it. I was able to buy some groceries with this. Here we are all these years later talking about it and knowing that that was God. He is our provider and miracle worker.
Psalm 34:1-3 - I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.
I will always boast in what the Lord has done and be thankful for what He will do.