Looking to God in ALL circumstances. We can get distracted. We can get overwhelmed. We can become tired and want it to all be done. We are ready to move on.
But why are we in the midst of it? What is God trying to show you or teach you?
This is why we must look to God in all circumstances because we may not see or know or even understand what is happening sometimes. The good news is God knows and why not go to the one who knows. Go to the source. Go to God.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
I have found myself from time to time going ang going ang going and wondering why I feel like I am going to lose my mind and why am I so out of it…. but then I take a pause and realize I’ve just been going about life and not looking to God even in the small things.
The Bible literally says trust in the Lord and seek His will in all you do. I know I am able to go about life without going to God about the smallest choice, like where to eat and whatnot but then why do I not look to God in the things that I need to?
When I forget to go to God then I am not trusting in Him and doing as the Word has said, seek Him.
There are many different ways to seek God in whatever circumstance you are facing.
First take a time-out. Pray for guidance. Sleep on it. Get some godly wisdom from people you trust.
We may want to quit but often the best and most rewarding decision you can make is to stay on the course even when it would be simpler to turn and walk away. Sometimes the greatest act of faith is faithfulness, staying where you are planted and talking with God about it all.
Stay with God but move forward in what He has for you.
To step forward and continue in the mess you may be walking through you have to go and do whatever it is God says to go and do. Trusting in God through all of this is the main point here. Because when we seek the Lord in all things, we are making it known that we trust the Lord with and in all things.
Our response to pain and challenges determines so much about our future.
By its very nature, faith requires trust in something—or in someone—that’s not always predictable or understandable by human standards. If we’re honest, most of us want irrefutable proof of God’s benevolent presence in our lives.
Trust God with whatever you’ve been holding on to and with whatever it is you are walking through. Look to God and trust Him without reservation.
Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Seek God above all else…. see it is repeated in the Bible which means we are to pay attending to it. Let us not get so caught up in our daily routines that we forget to seek God. Let’s not wonder why we feel like we are spiraling because we have allowed ourselves to focus on the circumstance or situation instead of God. Let’s look to God in ALL circumstances.