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A God That NEVER Changes

Was looking through my memories and I saw this quote I shared. It’s a quote from Lysa Terkeurst, it says, “Isn’t it comforting to know God isn’t EVER broken, or caught off guard, or shocked. He can take our worst and add His best. We just have to make the choice to stay with Him and keep following Him through it all.”

I am so thankful God isn’t any of those things and that He is a cornerstone that never changes.

Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

We need this kind of comfort in our lives. We need to know that there is one person who will always be there and be the same. This world is changing on a second-by-second basis, and we can sometimes feel the gratitude and anxiety of that. Thankfully God knows us so well and knows all of our days. He knew we would face changes and changes cause anxiety and fear. It is important for us to understand God never changes because by understanding this, we can have peace and comfort knowing that we do not have to fear.

Looking back, I saw another post and I wrote about how I was writing my notes for a speaking engagement I had, and I wrote this, “God allows things to happen in order for us to grow. Some of these things feel as though you are completely broken. But we have to be broken for God to put us back together for His good and His glory.

Another constant of God is that He is always walking with is, teaching us, correcting us, and healing us.

We may feel that all we go through is to much for us or to far past God to help us. But because He is a loving father, we know from scripture that He is constant and always with us to guide us through anything this life throws at us.

Isaiah 40:8 - The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”

The Lord’s word will stand forever. The Lord does not faint or grow weary. He is the same God who created the world and spoke it into existence. He is the first and the last and there is no other God besides Him.

God is our rock, fortress, and shelter, He is a strong and mighty tower.

He holds you in His hand and hides you beneath the shadow of His wings.

We can be immensely thankful for a Father that is devoted and loving and knowing that no matter happens He is always there with us.

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