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Image by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona

We provide a diverse array of channels through which you can stay connected with KJIC and be uplifted in your faith journey. From tuning in to our radio broadcasts to engaging with us on social media platforms, we offer multiple avenues for you to access inspiring content and connect with our community.

Additionally, our website serves as a hub of information and resources where you can explore upcoming events, access devotionals, and learn more about our mission and values. We also offer a newsletter subscription service, delivering the latest updates and inspiring stories directly to your inbox.

For those who prefer social media, we maintain active profiles on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Here, you can engage with our community, participate in discussions, and share your own stories of faith and encouragement.

Furthermore, our mobile app provides convenient access to KJIC wherever you go, allowing you to stream music, access exclusive content, and stay connected with fellow listeners.

By utilizing these various channels, we aim to create a supportive and uplifting community where individuals can find solace, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment on their journey with the Lord.


La Palabra para ti hoy, un devocional diario con aplicaciones prácticas para la vida que te ayudarán a acercarte más a Dios. Disponible en forma impresa o descargando la aplicación. 


La Palabra para ti hoy, un devocional diario con aplicaciones prácticas para la vida que te ayudarán a acercarte más a Dios. Disponible en forma impresa o descargando la aplicación. 


La Palabra para ti hoy, un devocional diario con aplicaciones prácticas para la vida que te ayudarán a acercarte más a Dios. Disponible en forma impresa o descargando la aplicación. 

Our Partners

Our dedicated group of Partner serve the community with services and products. Click below to find more information about them.

Daily Bread

Get a daily dose of inspiration with a Bible verse sent to your phone via text each day.

"I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Listener Letters

"Escucho KJIC porque la música es edificante. ¡La música sobre la fe, la familia y el amor es lo que todos deberían escuchar!" - Oyente

Need Assistance?

Contact any of our C.R.O.P. members for specific assistance, including volunteer opportunities, public services, spiritual support, and more.

Contact Us

Have a question or concern? Reach out to us here.


"Escucho KJIC porque la música es edificante. ¡La música sobre la fe, la familia y el amor es lo que todos deberían escuchar!" - Oyente

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